Friday, December 19, 2008


Last few days, I participated in this International symposium at Tohoku University, Sendai.
I think I had a good chance to participate in such an Intern'l symposium without needing to go outside of JPN.
Now, you can imagine what I am studying.
But I am not a strange human being. :D
As for me, poster presentation is the more difficult and fatigue job comparing to formal speech presentation. Well, I had to explain to the audience for more than one hour.At that Symposium, I met with a retired professor (Prof.Dr.Y.Akaishi) who has been to Myanmar many times for seminars, International workshop, International winter-school and lectures at Mandalay University. We were very happy to meet with each other again. He is going to go to Myanmar in next year's February to give lectures. No wonder that he has been using his own money to go to Myanmar. I felt gratitude of him for sharing his knowledge and experience to the students of Mandalay University .

He is one of the famous persons in his specialize field of science and has been publishing many papers. Although he has retired already, he is still doing research, publishing papers and working as an Emeritus Professor at RIKEN.

I received a "Proceedings of the Japan Academy" which includes his published paper, with his signature on it, for the rememberance. I am very proud of receiving this journal from such a great scientist.

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